We must revive and protect our language including our traditional ceremonies. Our traditional ceremonies and songs recognizes, acknowledges and gives appreciation to our environment -the plants, animals, birds, mountains, water, air/wind, sun and rain with the intend of cleansing the earth. We cannot lose our Himdag.

From inception to death. health care is a part of our lives. Health care in our mind, body and spirit. The goal of the Nation should be to develop and be in control of a comprehensive health care delivery system.

Congress and the President's Administration have recognized that Indian education is most successful when Indian tribes manage their schools. It takes Vision, conviction, and courage to make that decision to take over and redesign an outdated school system. It's a major challenge but we should take it as an opportunity.

The Nation must develop a commercial code and the Planning Department must develop the overall land use comprehensive plan which will provide businesses and developers a blueprint as to where development will occur. This will enhance local businesses and create jobs. The Nation must be at the table of discussions, plans and endeavors of surrounding, local governments, county, state, national and international entities.

The home is the most important part of our lives. It is our security, our protector, our safety net and most importantly it's our castle. The Nation must make every effort to provide the opportunity for housing on and off the Nation. The Nation must make every effort to utilize all resources to secure funding and to obtain all available housing programs. The Nation must also seek funding to enhance the infrastructure needs for housing development throughout the districts/nation.

Climate Change is one of our greatest challenges we face as a Nation. It will greatly affect our ecological system and the habitat. Our plants, cactus, wildlife, bird and all our natural resources and our people will be impacted. We must take a proactive approach and educate our people in the wise utilization of our resources.