The Executive Branch consists of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Tohono O’odham Nation. One of the executive powers vested in the Office of the Chairman is to oversee the implementation of all laws, ordinances, resolutions and rules made by the Tohono O’odham Council.
Constitution of the Tohono O’odham Nation
Administrative Offices
The overall functions of the Executive Branch’s Administrative Offices are to maintain and preserve the highest level of integrity of the financial management system, recruit, employ and retain a workforce, create and maintain a wide area network, ensure compliance with various laws and regulations, maintain program facilities and buildings, maintain and service the automobile fleet and to effectively promote good communication between all programs and to process all items in a timely manner.
Public Safety
Public Safety serves and protects all people within the Tohono O’odham Nation by providing a broad range of public safety services that includes the enforcement of all tribal, federal, state, county or other regulatory agencies’ laws, codes, regulations or ordinances as required.
Planning & Economic Development
Planning & Economic Development oversees the land planning activities within the Tohono O’odham Nation and works in coordination and conjunction with the Districts, local communities and other entities on and off the Nation. Planning provides assistance to members of the Nation in starting, expanding and managing independent businesses under the Credit & Finance program. The office will also provide continuing management and technical assistance to loan and grant recipients.
Natural Resources
Natural Resources manages and protects the Nation’s natural resources by improving the inventory, conservation, development and use of these resources.
Health and Human Services
The purpose of Human Services is to improve the health and social well being of the O’odham. This includes providing services related to addictions and mental health, disease and communicable disease prevention and management, develop health promotion and wellness programs, provide social services and assistance to needy families, provide child protection and emergency shelter care services, provide cultural activities and social services to the elders, provide special needs services to individuals with developmental disabilities, provide transportation to those needing assistance to needed medical appointments and provide administration to health and education facilities construction.
Membership Services
Membership Services is responsible for the administration and monitoring of the Enrollment Program and to provide assistance to the Enrollment Committee and the Elections Board.
Education offices provide stability and accountability of the educational programs serving members of the Nation and acts as liaison between the community and local, state and federal educational systems.
Water Resources
Water Resources is responsible to characterize, manage and protect the Nation’s Surface and Groundwater Resources.