Soil & Water Conservation
The Soil and Water Conservation District Board is responsible for the safe efficient use of the Nation’s natural resources while maintaining healthy ecosystems. The Soil and Water Conservation Board also assists with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) with the implementation of the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) on the Nation. The Soil and Water Conservation District Board will continue to recommend available technical and educational resources to the Nations members, Departments and Programs, and elected officials.
Services Provided
Soil and Water and Conservation District along with Natural Resources Conservation Service provides safe and efficient use of the lands within its boundaries in a manner that will ensure a stable and permanent economy and a desirable environmental condition in order to improve life through properly planned, applied, and maintained conservation practices and principles.
Contact Us
Soil & Water Conservation
P.O. Box 577
Sells, Az 85634
Office: (520) 383-2851
Toll Free Fax: (855) 848-4340
BIA Compound Bldg. #32