Public Comment Solicitation
Do you drive on BIA Route 15, 19 & 21?
- BIA Route 15 from Highway 86 to the northern border of the Nation.
- BIA Route 19 from South of Sells to New Fields Community.
- BIA Route 21 from Highway 86 to the Chukut Kuk District boundary line.
Do you have safety concerns for BIA Routes 15, 19, and 21?
The Nation’s Roads Program is currently conducting Road Safety Assessments (RSA) for these routes and is seeking public comments. Your comments on any safety concerns you may have along these routes would be greatly appreciated and will contribute to a thorough comprehensive RSA Report.
Review crashes that were reported and take a 360-video virtual tour of these routes at the links provided. To make a comment click on the map at the spot where you have concerns to let us know, at the following links.
Interactive map where comments can be submitted:
Click on one of the links below:
360 Video playlist:
Click on one of the links below:
Reported crash data:
Click on one of the links below:
You may also send your comments by email to including route number, location (nearest milepost), and a brief description of your concern.
Last day to make public comments is Friday, February 25, 2022.