Tohono O’odham Nation
2021-2022 Census Challenge
The information your household provides will help correct and challenge inaccurate Census data that provides funding for essential Nation programs and grants.
Your response to this survey is critical for painting an accurate picture of up-to-date on-reservation housing needs that can help the Nation attract more funding for housing and other essential services. This survey is an important data collection project designed to compile accurate demographic, employment and housing information about Tohono O’odham Nation members. The data collected during this survey will be used to enhance local programs and attract funding for housing and other community programs.
The Tohono O’odham Nation is conducting a survey of Nation households that will result in up-to-date information the Nation can use to better serve the membership. The data collected in this project will be used to support strategic planning and program design as well as to strengthen grant applications, and potentially replace inaccurate Census data.
This winter about 700 households will be visited and a door hanger will be left providing information that this household was selected and information on how to complete the questionnaire. If your household is selected, you may choose to complete the questionnaire either online or on paper. If your household is selected, please complete and return the census questionnaire, and encourage your relatives to do the same! If you do not complete the questionnaire, your household may be visited in person by census field staff to help you.
The previous Census Challenge in 2017 helped raise approximately $4 million to improve the Nation’s housing. Your support and participation are vital to make the Census Challenge a success. Stay tuned for more information about the project and please be on the lookout for your opportunity to participate in answering the questionnaire this winter!
The Nation has enlisted Big Water Consulting, specialists in tribal data collection, to coordinate data collection and ensure responses remain anonymous. For more information, please contact the Survey Manager, Barbara Havier, at (520)993-0823 or or Harry Maher, a Data Analyst with Big Water Consulting at (206)466-2065 or
Who will participate in the survey?
Randomly selected households in the Nation will be asked to participate. A random sample allows for an unbiased representation of the community and its needs. The representative of each home who completes the survey must be at least 18 years old. Households selected will receive a doorhanger at their address.
Why should I take this survey?
Financial resources depend on accurate information collected by this survey instrument; your response to the survey is essential to ensuring household are accounted for. When you respond to this survey, you help your community gets its fair share of the more than $675 billion per year in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs.
Will compensation be provided for my participation?
Households will receive an incentive and will be entered into one of multiple drawings to win one of several prizes. If your household is part of the random sample visited by field staff, that received a survey code, your household will receive a special gift basket from the Nation for your time and participation.
How does my household participate in the Housing Needs Assessment Survey?
Field staff hired by the Nation will visit randomly selected homes to ask an adult member of the home to answer the survey questions online or, if necessary, using a paper form. The field staff member can also provide information about scheduling a follow-up call or visit. All responses will be kept confidential.
What types of questions will I be asked on the Housing Needs Assessment Survey?
The following are examples of the topics and questions addressed in the survey:
- Household income
- Rent or mortgage costs
- Number of people living in your home
- Employment status
- Education
- Language