Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Program
The PHEP programs goal is to ensure Tohono O’odham are healthy and remain healthy from infectious diseases and free from vector related bacteria and viruses. This is accomplished by educating people via Public Service Announcements (PSA) and through the tremendous help from the Community Health Representatives. This is also accomplished by building capacity at the district level by providing training and support.
Services Provided
PHEP Coordinator services include:
(a) anything having to do with Public Health, if there is no program or service to address that particular situation, more than likely it will fall on the responsibility of the PHEP program;
(b) anything related to Emergency Preparedness, particularly in regards to public health; for example outbreaks, mass fatalities and sheltering operations just to mention a few areas and
(c) collaboration with internal and external partners, this program is composed of one person, so collaboration and coordination are critical to the success of the program.